Your Sustainability Guide to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030

Your Sustainability Guide to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030
February 17, 2017
Posted by:
Kelley Martin
2017.02.17-NewsFeed-Queen Elizabeth Oly Park-IMAGE

Excerpt from Introduction:This guide explores how the Park, venues and events have been developed to respond to and tackle the significant environmental challenges of our time: a changing climate, the loss of biodiversity and the overconsumption of vital resources. The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in east London has a fantastic opportunity to lead the way in sustainable living for its neighbours across London and beyond.However, sustainability in the Park goes beyond the environment. It is also a story of social equality and employment, and of economic growth and prosperity. These wider social, economic and environmental purposes make up the London Legacy Development Corporation’s overarching environmental themes [see p.48]. They define its contribution to the shared objective of convergence, ensuring that legacy benefits stretch beyond the Park borders into the surrounding communities. They also influence the Development Corporation’s entire work programme, from internal operations, to planning legacy communities, to defining operating arrangements for venues.View the full guide here.