Winners of the 2013 Game Day Recycling Challenge

Winners of the 2013 Game Day Recycling Challenge
November 26, 2013
Posted by:
Alex Tryon

As the season winds down in college football, the 2013 Game Day Recycling Challenge has declared its champions in five categories. From September to November, 88 schools competed in the categories of waste minimization, diversion rate, greenhouse gas reduction, recycling, and organics reduction. Among all challengers, the schools involved 6.4 million fans at their stadiums in diverting over 1.4 million pounds of waste and prevented more than 1900 metric tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.The champions in each category are as follows:

  • Waste Minimization: Central Connecticut State University
  • Diversion Rate: Ohio State University
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Franklin College
  • Recycling: Franklin College
  • Organics Reduction: The University of Akron

To see the full results and learn more about the challenge, follow the link to the Gameday Recycling Challenge page.