We Had Sports Questions. Dr. Fauci Had Answers.

We Had Sports Questions. Dr. Fauci Had Answers.
July 28, 2020
Posted by:
Kristin Hanczor

By: Ben Cohen, Wall Street JournalJuly 26, 2020

Is the sports comeback safe? When can fans return to games? Should athletes get priority on potential vaccines? The nation’s expert on infectious disease tackles sports in a pandemic.

Click here to watch video. Sports fans are longing to return to the stands, but health experts say stadiums are one of the highest-risk areas for coronavirus transmission. Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist, walks us through how easily the virus could spread among the crowd.Photo: Associated Press

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been an unlikely player in the sports world since the very first day of the pandemic.The nation’s leading authority on infectious diseases said on March 11 that the coronavirus posed enough of a threat for the NBA to play in empty arenas. As it turned out, there would be no games without fans. The league suspended its season that night. American sports were shut down that week.Now...

Read the full story on WSJ here.