UNC Charlotte Becomes Member of the Green Sports Alliance

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has gained membership into the Green Sports Alliance, an organization that leverages sports influences as a catalyst to promote healthy communities where we live, work, educate, and play.As one of its newest members, the University joins the ranks of 376 organizations, 177 teams, 184 venues, and 15 leagues; each offering unique perspectives on best practices and adaptations of innovative, new technologies that enhance operations to meet the needs of athletes and fans alike.According to their website, the Alliance achieves its success by “inspiring sports leagues, teams, venues, their partners and millions of fans to embrace renewable energy, healthy food, recycling, water efficiency, species preservation, safer chemicals and other environmentally preferable practices.”At UNC Charlotte, in recent years, with continual expansion, there has been a steady focus on developing an infrastructure that looks at the needs of the next generation of students and educators while limiting our impact on the resources vital to the communal health of the city of Charlotte and Charlotte-Mecklenburg County.UNC Charlotte student body, faculty and staff have embraced the opportunity to develop a more responsible, socially conscious campus community. An example of this is evident in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) concepts used in the construction of the Judy W. Rose Football Center and in initiatives such as the Zero Waste program. During home football games, at the Jerry Richardson Stadium, everyone has an opportunity to contribute to the university’s commitment to reducing waste sent to the landfill, increasing recycling rates, and reducing our energy and water consumption.Joining UNC Charlotte, this month, in the Green Sports Alliance is the Charlotte Hornets/Time Warner Cable Arena, which further demonstrates how sports and its influence reflects the ambitions of the citizens of Charlotte. People want greater accountability, more environmentally responsible practices, and the assurance of knowing they support organizations that are equally invested in the community.Sports are engrained in the fabric of many of our lives, and using this existing passion to create positive change in our communities will only serve to strengthen our students, university, and surrounding population.Story posted here.