Sustainability Commitment is Back at San Marino and Riviera di Rimini Grand Prix Octo.

Sustainability Commitment is Back at San Marino and Riviera di Rimini Grand Prix Octo.
September 5, 2018
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KISS Misano 2018

KiSS Misano-Keep it Shiny and Sustainable, the sustainability programme of Misano World Circuit, to be run for the 3rd year in a row at San Marino and Riviera di Rimini Grand Prix Octo.

Various initiatives will raise awareness about environmental and social issues: waste sorting, littering prevention, collection of food surplus and assistance for disabled people.

Misano World Circuit, September 1st 2018 – After 2016 debut, KiSS Misano-Keep it Shiny and Sustainable, the environmental and social sustainability programme of Misano World Circuit (MWC), will be run for the 3rd consecutive edition at the Gran Premio Octo of San Marino and Riviera di Rimini, taking place on September 7th-9th at the circuit named after Marco Simoncelli.


The Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli is a modern and technological circuit, careful about safety and the environmental and social sustainability. In 2006 was inaugurated the new Medical Center and from 2011 it has been further enhanced and open to all, not just for athletes transiting in the circuit.The circuit since 2010 has adopted an Organizational, Management and Control Model pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 and it has an Ethics Code in place too. Moreover, the quality system of the circuit has been found to comply with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

The structure of the circuit is also fully accessible to visitors with disabilities.In 2011 it has been the first circuit in Italy to be equipped with a photovoltaic system. The photovoltaic installation produces over 450thousand Kw of electricity per year with zero emissions. MWC was the first circuit in Italy to install a photovoltaic plant.From 2012 to 2015, the photovoltaic system produced 1,975,385 kWh and the circuit avoided the emission of approximately 1,116,870 Kg of CO2. It was also carried out key intervention for containment of noise and technological modernization in the installation of lighting that allows a reduction of 30% in the consumption of electricity.


Since its first edition, KiSS Misano focused on waste sorting in order to reduce the environmental impact of the event. The programme aims to provide fans and spectators with the appropriate information and tools, and to create the conditions for them to better collect and separate waste. That means: distribution of waste sorting guidelines and promo materials printed on FSC certified paper; recycling areas in the paddock provided by Gruppo Hera; cooking oil collection service provided free of charge for hospitalities in the paddock.

Further new initiatives this year will regard: cigarette butts waste awareness campaign; glass recycling awareness campaign, carried out in collaboration with CoReVe (Italian National Consortium for the management, collection and treatment of glass); distribution of information leaflets about correct waste sorting also to food stands along located around the circuit; and in the paddock area the placement of a very special waste compactor, a "reverse vending machine", whose aim is to encourage the "incentive recycling" of plastic bottles and aluminum cans.

KiSS Misano this year will also involve the students of "Impulse Modena Racing Association" (non profit sport association), the "Moto Student" project of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), who designed and built an electrical motorcycle.

In 2018 KiSS Misano will seek once again to overcome the results of past edition (48% of waste sorted in 2017).CAMPAIGN FOR A PROPER PACKAGING RECYCLE WITH COREPLA AND RICREA SUPPORT, In addition to the usual four KiSS Misano info-desks placed, both in the paddock and in the spectators area, each of which equipped with mini-recycling areas, for the first time this year, a couple of mobile info-desks ("green cargo bikes", with onboard photovoltaic pedal-assisted system and equipped with recycling bins) will be run by the KiSS Crew (the staff wearing "KiSS Misano" branded uniforms) around the circuit, in the spectators area, by ensuring that a larger part of fans and spectators can be reached by KiSS Misano. That specific initiative will be carried out in cooperation with Corepla and Ricrea, the Italian National Consortia for recycling and recovery of plastic and steel packaging.

Furthermore a glass recycling awareness campaign will carried out in collaboration with CoReVe (Italian National Consortium for the management, collection and treatment of glass).