Summit Insider: Golden 1 Center, Home of the Sacramento Kings

The Green Sports Alliance is thrilled to host our 7th annual Green Sports Alliance Summit June 27-29 at the Golden 1 Center, home of the Sacramento Kings.The Golden 1 Center is a LEED Platinum Certified professional indoor sports venue, running on 100% clean solar energy with delta breeze enhanced cooling and a low flow water recapture system.Golden 1 Center Environmental Considerations:
- Executive chef and restaurant partners source 90% of their ingredients from a 150-mile radius
- Majority of beer, wine and spirits sourced within 150-mile radius
- All leftover, edible food will be given to Sacramento Community Food Bank and Family Services via our Second That program, supporting over 200 local agencies
- California Safe Soil will treat waste with organic enzymes and process in a giant food digester. It will be “digested” and then pasteurized, filtered and put back into the soil at local farms.
- Leftover fryer oil, which is locally produced rice bran oil, will be converted to biodiesel by a local, family-run business

Building on their “Farm-to-Court” philosophy, their mission is to build a one-of-a-kind, hyper-local food and sustainability program for a world-class sports and entertainment venue. And as a proud member of the Green Sports Alliance, the venue was an obvious choice of locale.Come see this state of the art facility for yourself at the Green Sports Alliance Summit, June 27-29, 2017.Early bird registration rates of $299 end January 31, 2017. Register today!