Portland Trail Blazers Sprucing up Moda Center with Sustainable Landscaping

Portland Trail Blazers Sprucing up Moda Center with Sustainable Landscaping
February 27, 2014
Posted by:
Alex Tryon

In a move to revamp the exterior of the Moda Center to align with the organization’s commitment to sustainability, the Portland Trail Blazers will be updating the landscaping around their arena with native grasses and drought-resistant plants that will help reduce the team’s landscaping water usage by 20-30 percent. The plan is the first phase in a widespread renovation of the Rose Quarter campus on which the Moda Center is located.The team is working with Greenworks and other organizations to integrate the exterior landscaping to take advantage of Portland’s unique climate. “The landscaping was there when the building opened in 1995,” said Justin Zeulner, the Trail Blazers’ sustainability director. “We’re getting rid of the Kansas City landscaping. What we’re doing fits better with the character of Portland.”Further projects in the works at the Moda Center include the introduction of two new local and sustainably-sourced concessionaires to the dining options for fans; new LED exterior lighting; and potential renovations to the stormwater systems surrounding the facility.Read the full article here.