P&G Pledges Zero Manufacturing Waste by 2020
Environmental Leaderby Jessica Lyons Hardcastle

Procter & Gamble says it will eliminate all manufacturing waste from its global network of more than 100 production sites by 2020.P&G won’t put a dollar amount on its planned invest in recycling and reuse to achieve this goal. A spokesperson told Environmental Leader that P&G anticipates savings once it eliminates all manufacturing waste.Previously, the company said it has saved almost $2 billion through waste and energy costs since 2007.The company says 56 percent of its production sites globally send zero manufacturing waste to landfill. Over the next four years P&G will have to eliminate or reuse about 650,000 metric tons of waste to achieve its zero waste goal.P&G plans to do this by ensuring all incoming materials are: converted into finished product, recycled internally or externally, or re-used in alternative ways through partnerships.For example, in Lima, Ohio, liquid waste from products like Tide and Gain are being converted to alternative fuels sources to power vehicles. Non-recyclable plastic laminate materials from plants in Mandideep and Baddi, India are shredded and pressed into low-cost building panels. And in China, production waste from one facility is composted as “nutritional soil” for local parks while waste from another facility is used as a raw material to make bricks.Read the full story here.Click here to learn more about our Corporate Members Network.