It's Easy to be Green in the Sports World

It's Easy to be Green in the Sports World
July 6, 2016
Posted by:
Kelley Martin

By Anya AlvarezSelected excerpts below. Read the full blog post here....I called my friend Aubrey and explained my dilemma to her.She offered me invaluable advice that I cannot thank her enough for:“Anya, what you’re creating with MajorLeague Women is more rooted in social sustainability. Meaning, you giving a place for women in sports to tell their stories, and encouraging the participation of women in sports is setting up a structure for sports to continue to thrive because you’re focusing on half a population that is often left out the conversation.”It was in that moment that I had an even better sense of clarity with what I want to accomplish with MajorLeague Women....That made me feel at peace with how little I’ve done, but how much room I have to grow as an ambassador for the sports world, particularly for women.When I left Houston, I felt hopeful that I could partner with the Greens Sports Alliance and others I met with that week that would help strengthen the cause for MajorLeague Women and also help strengthen their own cause.Sustainability, I learned, is important on all fronts. We are all spokespeople in our own way and we hopefully have causes we believe in. If we join our voices, it seems to make sense that we will only reach broader audiences and impact more lives.I also learned that sustainability is constantly evolving, so there is always room for growth and learning. And those two key elements will only help us change the world in a way that is meaningful and impactful....