Green Sports Movement Gains Momentum
The success of the 2015 Green Sports Alliance Summit in Chicago, the release of several new greening resources for the sports industry, and the ever-increasing greening efforts by members of the Green Sports Alliance across the nation and the world have combined to generate significant coverage from a number of media outlets in the past several weeks.The 5th Annual Green Sports Alliance Summit brought together more than 800 industry stakeholders to learn and share better practices and the latest innovations in greening operations, advancing the supply chain, and engaging fans. To kick off the event, the Green Apple Day of Service drew around 100 volunteers to complete a comprehensive community service legacy project at Robert Healy Elementary School in Chicago. The Green Sports Alliance also released two major industry resources: the Champions of Game Day Food report and the Greener Cleaning Playbook, both of which provide sports venue operators guidance and case studies of better practices in sustainable food systems and cleaning programs, respectively.Please follow the links below to view coverage highlights:Connor Sports, Connor Sports and the Green Sports Alliance Present the 2015 Green Apple Day of ServiceLA Talk Radio, Interview with Justin Zeulner, COO & David Muller, Membership DirectorLA Talk Radio, Interview with Scott Jenkins, GSA Board Chair, Val Fishman, GSA Board Member & Rachel O'Reilly, Wildlife WorksMSNBC, Athletes improve performance by going greenAssociated Press, Green Movement Coloring Way Sports Looks at EnvironmentBioCycle, June 2015 issue: Sports Teams Build Food Recovery AwarenessSportsBusiness Journal, Sports & Sustainability In-DepthStadia Magazine, July 2015 issue: Rest in Peace? Find out how to extend the life of your aging facility before it's too lateSports Environment Alliance, Foundation Members AnnouncedUEFA, Euro 2016 Sustainability ReportespnW, The Greening of Sports--And Where We're All Headed Next