Green Sports Alliance Interviewed on Go Green Radio

Green Sports Alliance Interviewed on Go Green Radio
August 7, 2015
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Today, Go Green Radio interviewed Allen Hershkowitz, Co-Founder and President of the Green Sports Alliance, and Gabriel Krenza, NRDC Strategic Food Advisor and Champions of Game Day Food co-author. Go Green Radio host Jill Buck features stories every Friday that highlight simple, responsible behavior shifts that can ultimately protect human health through environmental stewardship.

Go Green Radio Interview-2015.08.07
Food Report Cover

The interview focused on the recently released Champions of Game Day Food report, which highlights the efforts that sports venues are taking to improve their impacts on human health. Many leading professional sports venues that serve all major leagues are now providing more sustainable food options to fans. Case studies of 20 venues spanning North America feature their healthier food options and sustainable food practices behind the scenes to help advance smarter environmental practices throughout our food system.Listen to the full interview with Go Green Radio.