First #GreenSports Activation Day a Hit

First #GreenSports Activation Day a Hit
June 4, 2013
Posted by:
Alex Tryon

Two weeks ago on Thursday, May 23rd the Twittersphere was afire with green sports messages. Over the course of day 400+ tweets and re-tweets were shared with the #GreenSports hashtag. With a combined audience of millions of followers, Green Sports Alliance members, partners and supporters shared the word far and wide that the movement to green the sports industry is going strong. The messages came from teams, venues, leagues, athletes and industry partners from across North America.Industry heavy hitters like the NBA ( 7.3M followers), NHL (1.8M followers), US Open (270K followers), Seattle Mariners (117K followers), ASU Sun Devil Athletics (22K followers), to name only a few, sent multiple messages to their followers about their green sports successes – touting facts of food donated, waste diverted, trees planted, energy and water conserved and so on. And, their fans listened; re-tweeting messages to show their support and keep the conversation going. One green sports message shared by the Seattle Seahawks on Facebook was “Liked” by nearly 1,700 fans.Even professional athletes chimed in to share their #GreenSports stories and show support for the movement. We heard from green sports leaders such as:

The day also featured a #GreenSports Twitter Chat with special guests Scott Jenkins, Vice President of Ballpark Operations, Seattle Mariners, and Rachel Gutter, Director of the Center for Green Schools, USGBC. The one hour conversation highlighted how the organizations are working together to advance green sports and green schools. Click here to read the transcript.All-in-all, it was a very good day for the movement, but remember that every day is a good day for green sports, so help us continue the conversation by following @SportsAlliance and #GreenSports.