Environmental Innovator Winner: Montreal Canadiens, Bell Centre

Environmental Innovator Winner: Montreal Canadiens, Bell Centre
June 7, 2017
Posted by:
Kelley Martin

Montreal Canadiens/Bell Centre


Nomination Application

Description of Project or Initiative: Please describe the program or initiative and how the applicant is leading the industry in encouraging environmental and social change in 500 words (4000 characters) or less. Be sure to include how the project or initiative embodies the 2017 Green Sports Alliance Summit Theme, PLAY GREENER ™: Engaging Fans, Athletes, and Communities.

Back in May 2007, the Montreal Canadiens organization launched the “Goal is Green” program, an ambitious and vast project to place the Club at the forefront of all environmental leaders in professional sports. The Goal is Green program was initially introduced as part of the Club’s 100th anniversary initiatives but its mission remains: “Make the Montreal Canadiens a leader on the ice and in the community through programs that reduce its environmental footprint, support green initiative and renewable resources, and encourage its fans to do the same.” Several improvements and equipment modifications were achieved during the last years. The Bell Centre earned three environmental certifications, more than any professional sports venues in North America.

The certification ICI ON RECYCLE! (silver level) is managed by the Quebec government and confirm that the Bell Centre recycles and composts over 80% of its generated wastes. Also, The food recovery initiative is a crucial element of the program since it generate more than 30 tons of waste reduction annually corresponding to the equivalent of 90,000 meals each year and, moreover, this represent more than 30% of all the meals provided to local shelters by the entire National Hockey League (30 hockey clubs). LEED-EBOM is a third-party certification program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings including, for example, optimization of energy consumption, decreasing of greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable purchases, use environmentally friendly products. ISO 14001 certification is standard is internationally recognized and requires especially that the organization maintains an environmental management system, improves its environmental performance and be audited each year by an accredited SCC (Standards Council of Canada) organization.

If possible, provide qualitative or quantitative data that demonstrates the environmental or social impact of your project.

As part of the LEED certification project, the Bell Centre replaced more than 250 sanitary facilities. The implementation of more efficient toilets and faucets has reduced drinking water consumption by 35%. Moreover, the drinking water supply to the urinals was optimized, which created drinking water consumption savings by sanitary equipment of more than 50% compared to 2007. The Bell Centre is now using a new innovative project. The organization has developed and implemented a system to recycle the resurfacers’ (Zambonis) greywater. Based on a reverse osmosis water filtering system, this new technology pumps, treats and recycles greywater created by the rink’s ice melting. Thus, ice of the rink is almost all produced using recycled water. Drinking water savings will reach 1,000 cubic meters (260,000 gallons) per year. This project is also a win for NHL players as the recycled water creates a harder and faster ice. The organization intends to remain at the top of the League with the quality of its ice. All these innovations have positive impacts on the fans and they have the effect of raising awareness about the importance of effective natural resources management. This approach reflects the organization's orientation towards sustainable development. In addition, it reinforces the Club's position as a leader in environmental management through professional sport. Finally, these projects are a powerful tool to encourage fans to do the same at home and at work regarding drinking water savings, waste recycling and reduction and many more sustainable activities.