Dutch Eredivisie Tops 2015 Responsiball Rankings

Dutch Eredivisie Tops 2015 Responsiball Rankings
September 21, 2015
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Responsiball, created five years ago to assess the level of social responsibility for clubs in the top division of 19 major soccer leagues around the globe, recently released the 2015 edition of its annual rankings and report. Taking the top spot for the first time, the Netherlands topped this year’s list thanks to the efforts of the clubs competing in the Eredivisie.


The rankings evaluate clubs in the major leagues on three main social responsibility pillars -- Governance, Community, and Environment. In the realm of environmental stewardship, the report demonstrates that clubs around the globe have historically directed their energy toward sound economic and operational management and comprehensive community engagement instead of sustainable practices. (The average Environment score is seven percent, one-fourth the mean score for Governance and slightly more than one-fifth the Community average.)

“Organisations are taking a lot more responsibility for the value they contribute to society,” said Ezra de Korte, a consultant with Better Future and a trainer at the René Meulensteen Academy. “If we take a look at the football clubs, we have observed a strong growth with respect to the development of communities. Clubs and federations are becoming more aware of their role and purpose in society.”