Bridgestone Arena in Nashville Switches to LEDs
The Bridgestone Arena in Nashville – the home of the National Hockey League’s Predators and site of the all-star festivities in January, 2016 – now is illuminated by LED lighting, according to Facility Executive. The new lights were switched on for the September 20 exhibition game between the Predators and the Florida Panthers.

The LEDs were provided by Ephesus Lighting, which is headquartered in Syracuse, N.Y. The transition enabled the arena to cut the number of fixtures by half: 247 metal halide fixtures were replaced by 120 LEDs. The light light level has increased to more than 200 footcandles, while saving more than 75 percent of energy compared to the previous lighting. Bridgestone Arena is the sixth hosting NHL teams that switched to LEDs. The Nashville Public Radio story on the switch noted that the LEDs generate less heat than the metal halide lights they replace one a one-on-one basis. Combined with the fact that they are fewer fixtures overall leads to a reduction in energy needed to keep the ice in game condition.