Alliance to host #GreenSports Twitter Chat with Mariners & USGBC Center for Green Schools
#GreenSports Activation Day – Thursday, May 23rd
We've been excited to see more and more teams, leagues and fans engaging in green sports and sharing their stories with their social media followers. So, we want to keep this conversation going strong! Building on this momentum, the Green Sports Alliance (@SportsAlliance) is hosting an all-day Twitter event on Thursday, May 23rd. With the help of professional and collegiate sports teams, venues, leagues and athletes, we’ll be sharing #GreenSports stories all day long. Tune in to Twitter and follow the #GreenSports hashtag this Thursday to hear how your favorite team supports the green sports movement, and join the conversation!
Join us from 4:00pm-5:00pm EST for a special #GreenSports Twitter Chat featuring the Seattle Mariners and the USGBC Center for Green Schools.
When: Thursday, May 23rd - 1:00pm PST/ 4:00pm EST
Who: @SportsAlliance, @Mariners, @MyGreenSchools&@RachelGutterWith special guests Scott Jenkins, Vice President of Ballpark Operations, Seattle Mariners, and Rachel Gutter, Director of the Center for Green Schools, USGBC, we’ll be discussing a range of #GreenSports topics from waste management to the Green Apple Day of Service. Follow along at #GreenSports to hear how these organizations are advancing the greening of the sports industry, and use the hashtag to ask questions to our guests.