Alliance and Member Venues Recognized in July Stadia

Alliance and Member Venues Recognized in July Stadia
July 18, 2013
Posted by:
Alex Tryon

The July 2013 issue of Stadia magazine highlights the increasing implementation of sustainable strategies and technologies at sports venues around the world. Showcasing the work of the Rose Garden Arena in Portland, Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, the Giants’ and Jets’ MetLife Stadium in New Jersey and other venues across the globe, the main article shows the economic and environmental benefits of incorporating green practices into stadium operations.

A second article at the back of the issue highlights the Game Changer report released by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Green Sports Alliance last August at the 2012 Green Sports Summit. Showing how far stadiums have come in their sustainability practices, the article also notes the impact that evolving best practices and their recognition in the report have had on expanding the green movement both within the sports industry and beyond.“Once someone has blazed a trail, it becomes easier for all those who follow,” Green Sports Alliance executive director Martin Tull said about the impacts. “The industry should be thankful for the innovative teams that have gone out on a limb to seek ways to solve problems before they were fully aware of the solutions.” .Alliance members and the success of the green sports movement were also recently highlighted in the July 2013 issue of BioCycle and July 2013 issue of the Solutions Journal.