3 Innovative Companies Become Green-Sports All Stars

3 Innovative Companies Become Green-Sports All Stars
July 29, 2016
Posted by:
Kelley Martin

GreenSportsBlog By Lew Blaustein

One of my favorite parts of any Green Sports Alliance Summit—I’ve attended four—is to walk the exhibit floors to see the start-ups, post start-ups and growth companies that are helping to build the Green Sports movement. A month ago in Houston, finding innovative companies whose stories were worth telling was easy; the challenge was choosing only three to highlight. The chosen three are PathoSans, an environmentally-responsible cleaning product that is produced on-site (i.e. at arenas, stadiums), Recover Brands, an apparel company that aspires to produce the most environmentally friendly and socially responsible products possible, and TREDAGAIN, the first upcycled tire shoe.

Register for the 2017 Green Sports Alliance Summit here.